Wedding Rehearsal Tips!

Weddings have been around since ancient times, although they have certainly evolved over the years. Back in the day, weddings were a much simpler affair, usually involving a priest, the couple, and a few close family members. Nowadays, weddings are much more elaborate and can include a variety of guests and traditions.

It's an exciting time when a couple is planning their wedding ceremony processional, as it's a beautiful way to honor the special people in their lives! Today we will explore the various roles of the people who are part of a wedding ceremony processional, as well as discuss some tips for rehearsing everything before the ceremony.

Let's start with the groom and officiant. Traditionally, the groom is the first member of the wedding party to enter the ceremony, usually escorted by his mother, his best man (or all the groomsmen), or another special guest. The officiant is the person who will be leading the ceremony and officiating the vows, sometimes they will walk down with the groom, or even before the groom if you’d like them to make a “please silence your phones” or “please don’t take pictures” type of announcement.

Next comes, the parents and grandparents who are included in the processional. The bride’s mom is traditionally escorted down the aisle by another family member or one of the groomsmen who circles back & the groom’s parents may walk down the aisle before the bridal party too. Sometime’s the groom’s parents are already in their seats. Grandparents can also be included in the processional if the couple chooses.

The bridal party follows the parents and grandparents. The bridal party includes the Maid of Honor, Best Man, bridesmaids, and groomsmen. Depending on the size of the wedding, flower girls and ring bearers may be included as well. The flower girl / ring bearers are usually the last ones to walk down the aisle before the bride enters .

Finally, the bride enters the ceremony. This is a special moment that is one of the most important parts of the entire day. The bride is escorted down the aisle by her father, or another special person, while a beautiful song is playing. You can find a list of my favorite songs to walk down the aisle to here.

When it comes to rehearsing for the wedding, it is important to do a rehearsal and practice the processional and make sure everyone is comfortable with the timing and order of the procession. If you are using music for the processional, make sure everyone has a chance to practice with the songs playing from your phone as well. Most couples will do a run through at their venue the night before, but if that isn’t an option, they can usually sneak in a practice round before guests arrive.

In conclusion, weddings are a special occasion that honor the couple, family, and friends. It's important to include the special people in your life in the wedding processional, and to make sure you take the time to practice and rehearse. If you are looking for a DJ for your wedding ceremony & reception, feel free to reach out to me with your wedding date & contact info and I will be in touch soon!

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